
Where are you located?
Is there parking available?
What public transport options are there?
What training have your doctors had?


How do I make an appointment
How is a skin checked performed?
What do I wear?
Do I need a referral?
What happens if I need a biopsy and how do I get to find out my results?
How long does a skin check take?
What happens if the doctor thinks my lesion is suspicious?
I already have a follow up appointment booked for 2 months but have noticed a change, should I move my appointment earlier??
What do I need to bring?
Is it worthwhile getting a skin check in Winter?


Are procedures performed in the clinic or do I need to be referred somewhere else?
If I have a procedure performed is there anyone to contact after hours if I need to speak to someone?
It’s only a mole, can’t it be removed on my initial appointment?


Do you charge a gap?
How much will it be to have a mole removed, or any other procedure?

Still have questions?

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